Thursday, February 7, 2013


Responding to an email invitation sent yesterday, a bevy of us went to the movies this afternoon, a glass of wine afterwards.


I went not knowing anything about it, only that it was about music and an old age home.

It was fantastic. I had tears in my eyes at the end when, well, I'm not going to tell you why...

Go see this movie if you have EVER sung a song.
Go see this movie if you have EVER had your heart broken. 
Go see this movie if you are willing to acknowledge we all are aging daily.

My dear, life-is-a-gas father said, "Getting older isn't fun, but it sure beats the alternative." Thankful for every day, for every experience.

I admit, the first fifteen minutes I thought to myself, This is sure a lot of old people. And they have lots of wrinkles and they move slowly. Then you see beyond the surface. You see the personalities and the energy and the life and their fascinating stories. You see their frustrations. You see some give up. You see some accept and thrive. You see compassion and community.

Very light-hearted. Funny beyond funny with that dry, wry British humor. And the humor is even more delightful if you are a person comfortable about aging.

When my time comes to move into a place where others take care of me, I want to be at Beecham House. What a hoot.

Quartet is SO WORTH IT. 

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