Saturday, April 13, 2013

Map of Ghana (Entry 1)

Launching off into a new book can be like embarking on a trip.

Sometimes you want to just start walking, see where you end up.

Sometimes you want a map.

Just depends.

Personally I like maps.

Don't always look at them, but nice to know it's in my pocket.

Bon Voyage!

Chicago Entry 3

Enjoying 5 " of sun while on arch. boat tour of Chicago.  Great city for world-class arch.

This blue glass building along the river is intended to echo the river's curves.

Using every moment.- even got to Chicago History Museum and diorama of 1871 Fire.

Most incredible stained glass museum.  Tiffany glass collection beyond superb.  Taking me back to N Park Ave.

This is "Field of Lilies"

Love to Fiery Five and all back home

This is how I want my salad served at home from now on.
Okay Mike?

So as all good things must come to an end, we WELCOME our ladies back to their homes.

Can't wait to hear details. Rest in the moments. A sigh of joy for your travels.

Much love, sara

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Chicago Photos Entry 2

More photos received
from our Chicago adventurers!

"We had a fabulous day at the Chicago Art Institute beginning with the Picasso exhibit and following with a tour of the Impressionist Gallery.  It was a great way to spend a rainy day!"

Here's their itinerary for the visit:

Tuesday, April 9th
weather: chance of rain ® (60%) H-51 L-41
12:45- arrive  MDW on SWA.

2:30- Kick off Party-Tea at The Peninsula-108 E Superior St-(312)337-­2888

7:00- Meet in Westin lobby for Girl and Goat

8pm- Girl and the Goat- 809 W. Randolph Chicago, lL 60617

Wednesday, April 10th  
weather: Chance of rain (20%) H- 51

2:00- Million Dollar Quartet- Apollo Theatre- 2540 N. Lincoln Ave.

5:45- Rose Bud Prime- 1 South Dearborn

7:30- Book of Mormon- Bank of America Theatre-18 W Monroe

Thursday, April 11th  
weather: chance of rain (40%)  L-43

10:30-Picasso Exhibit- Art Institute of Chicago- 111 S. Michigan Ave.

5:30- Blackbird- 619 Randolph (312) 715-0708

8:00- Second City- 1616 N. Wells Street (between Concord Ln & North Ave)

Friday, April 12th  
weather: Chance of rain (20%) H-5O L-37

3:25-  fly from MDW to MCO / CT

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Tuesday in Chicago.. Entry 1

It's Tuesday, we must be in Chicago!

Our Fiery Five are.. enjoying the Windy City, each other. Living in the moment!

Emails have been flying. Everyone has done their part. Mary, I understand, is a born organizer.

Here's the first stop in Chicago. Tea at the Peninsula Hotel.  I see a tea pot, I see a tea tier of tidbits. And I see glasses of champagne. This is tea taken to the next level! 

Way to go girls!

After stopping at the hotel to drop the bags, the next stop was Girl and the Goat. Remember Stephanie Izard from Top Chef season 4? Well, here she is .. her first restaurant. Girl and the Goat. In her humble words,  “I’m just trying to make your whole mouth happy.”  As I hear, she does.

Some of our kids joined us too. We have five kids living in Chicago right now. Plus one in-law. 

Enjoy the moments! I wish I were there...

Friday, April 5, 2013

April Book Lunch! Wolf Hall Discussion...

Ten totally top-notch tintillating ladies. One superb restaurant, Park Plaza Gardens. They have expanded their back private room, did you know that?

We missed four of you.

I wish I could report that the book Wolf Hall was a scintillating success, loved by all. OR at least that it inspired a wickedly wild conversation.

But I can't. 

The conversation was good, but not overly inspired by the book.

A few of us loved it. Okay, ONE of us loved it. A few thought it had pages of good parts that got you hooked, but then it dropped you like yesterday's socks and you were swimming in the pronouns trying to figure out what the heck-a-rooni was going on.

Some passages were magical. And clever. A view into Cromwell's mind and heart.

Some couldn't get past the syntax and the focus issues. Too many people, some real, some fictional. The perspective confused many of us. That "he" was usually Cromwell was tricky. You have to really be paying attention to this book. Not a book to pick up 30 minutes per day before bed.

If you asked the others in the booklunch if this was a book they'd recommend, I think three might recommend it, including me. That's not many.

Talked about Thomas More's depiction here versus in A Man for all Seasons. Mantel really really liked Thomas Cromwell. Thomas More, not so much.

How much of this was fiction, how much fact? We have little idea. There are some remaining artifacts from the 1500's; much had to be filled in.

Cromwell was one of the rare lower class people who rose in power and wealth at that time. His influence spread so far, yet he gets little credit for it.

Personally, I will read her second book, Bring in the Bodies. Don't think many others will.

For May, our choice is Ghana Must Go by Taiye Selasi.

I wish bon voyage to our Fiery Five off to Chicago this week. Our booklunch's annual field trip. Seeing Book of Mormon, Million Dollar Quartet, Second City, Picasso exhibit. And dinners all set up - Girl and the Goat, etc...  You all will have a blast. Send photos! Stay warm!

Kudos to Beth. I passed around my new little bracelet, asked people to guess what / how it was made? What new technology was used, that some people say will change our lives. Beth got it!

 3-D Printing. This is from "Nervous System" Jewelers. You go to this site, design your own bracelet, they print it out and ship it to you. It is separate from MOMA (I thought it was through them, they have one of their bracelets.) Try it.