Thursday, February 28, 2013

Garden of Evening Mists (Entry 5) Aritomo... what happens next?

Did Aritomo leave at the end, to disappear into the jungles of Malaya to die?
I don't think so.
Maybe to live a new chapter of his life.

I am certain he didn't get lost in the Highlands. He was the book's hero. Super hero. He wasn't about to get lost.

Or did he return to the Japanese Emperor to design gardens? (Remember, he had just received the letter of pardon.)

His work with Yun Ling was finished. His garden at Yugiri was finished. His work at Yugiri was done. It was time for him to move on.

It was said that he was a man of the background that would finish his job. He did finish.

So was he Lao Tzu and just walked out the gate, leaving civilization. Into the wilderness?  I think this is what happened. Not sure.

And while I'm at it, was he with Golden Lily?  Is that why he left Yun Ling the map? Is that how he knew the location of her prison camp and the 'buried treasure?' If so, I absolutely do not think he left to find the treasure. No way.

Well, just thoughts.


  1. hi! I like to re-read this book. So, after a couple of re-reading... I see two options: maybe, Aritomo, yes, he was linked to the Golden Lily but also, seeing the Japanese Occupation, saving people from them, and finally seeing how Yun Ling and her sister had suffered during that period, made him realise that the values he was representing in Japan and the emperor he was working for was not good. (remember, he even took off the photo of the emperor, after Yun Ling told him about the happenings of the camp). I think, he either went back to the treasure and waiting for Yun Ling (waiting if she was a real good apprentice and she had understood him), or burying himself alive in his guilt (like Japanese soldiers have buried the people in the camp after the work was finished). I don't think he went back to Japan or made contact with them. I do believe he felt guilty. That's what the tattoo on Yun Hing represents as well: the Chou Yi-story but on the tattoo it's a Chinese person, shooting the Japanese sun down.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I like your analysis! Well, I think he went back to Japan. Is there a pdf of this book or something? I got interested after watching the film adaptation.

    3. i think that he has executed sepukku inside the forest. He is a man with strong cultural sense. He deeply respects and honor the emperor. His family has been the emperor's gardener for generations, it would not be easy for him to betray his country and emperor. He does love Yun Ling, but he does not feel he will relief after letting his country's secret out. After he disobeyed the emperor family regarding the garden design, he feels guilty and shame, thats the reason he becomes the spy for the Golden Lily operation to redeem the dishonor and disgrace. The strong Bushido ethic rooted inside him would not easily be removed, so I believe that after he gives out the location, he has done his job as Yun Ling's lover. He fulfils her greatest hope, to find her sister. So then he will need to do his duty for the country, sepukku I believe, as redemption for his family and country honor.

  2. Hi!For those who have seen the movie here, did you enjoy the film adaptation? What do you think of the ending?

  3. I believe he either went back to Japan as his work in Malaya was finished or went to the temple to atone for his sins and live out the rest of his days in austerity
