Friday, May 2, 2014

June. Astonish Me

Dear Friends,

So great having eight of us at Dubsdread Restaurant for our May gathering.  Thank you for hosting at such a fun and delicious place, Jackie, and sitting outside on the breezy porch was perfect.

We had a good discussion about the Orphan Train and appreciated the personal stories from Betty Ann and others whose parents were orphaned during this time.  We were all unaware that orphan trains existed, and it naturally led to a discussion about the current foster system and all of its shortcomings.  Interesting read!

Our June selection is ASTONISH ME by Maggie Shipstead (272 pp), and we will be meeting June 6 at Park Plaza Gardens.  It's summer so no hostess, but hoping whoever is in town can join us. 
According to one review, this "thrilling second book is an homage to, and expose of, the exhilarating, punishing world of ballet..and takes its inspiration from a real-life pas de deux:  Mikhail Baryshnikov's passionate affair with American socialite Christina Berlin." 

I will send out another reminder as we get closer to the date.  Please RSVP to Marlene.
Love to all--Marlene

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